%% comment %% _For a detailed overview of future, current & past activities, see also_: [[​🇪​​🇻​​🇪​​🇳​​🇹​​🇸​]]. _For publications scroll down._ ### 🅰🅲🆃🅸🆅🅴 🆆🅸🆃🅷🅸🅽 🅸🅽🆂🆃🅸🆃🆄🆃🅸🅾🅽🆂 [**Erasmus School of Philosophy**](https://www.eur.nl/en/people/sonia-de-jager). Conducting **PhD** research activities and teaching.^[Notwithstanding [EUR's ~~policing~~ policies.](https://www.erasmusmagazine.nl/en/2023/02/22/in-praise-of-flatness-on-campus-protest-and-academic-community/?noredirect=en_US) See also: [this](https://www.erasmusmagazine.nl/2024/06/05/meer-dan-100-000-euro-schade-door-bekladdingen-en-schade-aan-scherm/).] Dissertation: _The Poltergeist in the Machine_. See: [[000 About the Poltergeist]]. **Willem de Kooning Academy**: [HP](https://www.wdka.nl/stories/wdka-honours-programme). **Teaching**: _theoring,_ languaging _musicking_ and _critical technological thinking,_ headed by Sami Hammana. 2019-ongoing. **Design Academy Eindhoven**. Research methods/thesis **tutoring** at the _[Critical Inquiry Lab](https://criticalinquirylab.com/About-the-Program),_ headed by [Patricia Reed](https://aestheticmanagement.com/). 2023-ongoing. ### 🆆🅸🆃🅷🅸🅽 🆁🅴🆂🅴🅰🆁🅲🅷 🅶🆁🅾🆄🅿🆂 [**N.R.U.**](https://n-r-u.xyz/) (project website, see also: [[NRU]] on this website), _Noise Research Union_, **research collective** together with Cécile Malaspina, Inigo Wilkins, Martina Raponi, Mattin, Miguel Prado. 2020-ongoing. **[[Indeterminacy]] research group**, together with Yağmur Denizhan, Alicia Juarrero, Muindi F. Muindi, Cécile Malaspina and Xin Wei Sha. 2023-ongoing. Contributing to the [[ⓓesire and ¢apital]] project, led by Ryan Kopaitich, 2021-ongoing. Member of various [ARIAS](https://arias.amsterdam/) **research groups**, 2023-ongoing. **[[Patient Analyses]]**, ongoing **sonic series** by S. de Jager. Currently collaborating on: - [[ⒷⓈⓟⓛⓘⓝⓔ]] the search for the final, _real_ recursion, by turning **sound** into an **instrument**, together with [PAULBAS](www.paulbas.org) and **[[Zorro Fork]]**. - [[Deschryver-Dambrauskas]], _Brutality and its (in)consequences_, forthcoming. - [[Zoetermeer]], with Theo de Jager and Maziar Afrassiabi. ### 🅿🆄🅱🅻🅸🅲🅰🆃🅸🅾🅽🆂 “[[Concepts as pre-dictions]]”, forthcoming, 2024. “[[Phenomenology of Sick Spirit]]” at [The Paradoxes of Madness](https://www.psychiatrieenfilosofie.nl/too-mad-to-be-true-iii), October 2024. “What is the future? Prophecy, providence, preference, pattern, planning, prognosis, persistence, procreation: [[Prediction]]” EN and NL versions. “Active Ignorance”, co-authored w/ Jimena Clavel Vázquez and Inigo Wilkins, forthcoming. Presented at: [[Predictive Self-Modeling and the Phenomenology of Psychosis]]. Forthcoming. “[[001.1 The Poltergeist in the Machine/C is for Communism, and for Constraint|C is for Communism, and for Constraint]]”, part of [[ⓓesire and ¢apital]], 2023. _NRU Zine 2_, together with Diede van Ommen and [[NRU]] + workshop participants. “[Conceptual Stagnation in Natural Language Processing](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0969725X.2023.2216555?src=.)”, Angelaki, Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Volume 28, 2023 - Issue 3: _from the mental state of noise to the new frontiers of cognition_. _Negintelligibility_, presented at University of Tokyo, May 2023, and at _Schematism_ conference EUR/v2/TU Vienna project, 2023, published version forthcoming. [[AI is plastic, plastic is AI]], 2023 presented at v2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, May 11 2023. _Post-Control Script Societies_, presented at _Social Dissonance Series_, UWE + Collège International de Philosophie, Bristol, April 2023, print version forthcoming. [[Del Horror en la Copia]], self-published and presented during WdKA P2 at _Rib_, Rotterdam, 2023. _Contraption_ (reprise), published by Flora Yin-Wong, [_Doyenne ii: Singing to Spirits_](https://doyenne-books.bandcamp.com/merch/doyenne-002-singing-to-spirits), launch at Café OTO, June 2023. “Semantic Noise in the Winograd Schema Challenge of Pronoun Disambiguation”, _Nature_, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, March 2023, [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-023-01643-9](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-023-01643-9). “[[E Principle of Sufficient Interest]]”, thesis chapter, presented at _The New Centre for Research & Practice_, NYC, August 2022, print version forthcoming. _NRU Zine 1_, together with Diede van Ommen and [[NRU]] + workshop participants. “Falling Into Place: Gravitationally-bound Prediction”, _Philosophy After AI, The Society for the study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour_, 2021. AISB version contains editorial errors, please see version published here: [[D Bias, or Falling into Place]]. “[On the Categorical](https://arias.amsterdam/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/SoniaDeJager-BeardedWomen.pdf)” interviewed by ARIAS, _Platform for Research through the Arts and Sciences_, Amsterdam, 2020. “[Ghosts, Grids, Networks, Machines, Mirrors, and the Number 1: A story about machines learning](https://tijdschriftkunstlicht.nl/vol-40-no-4-2019-on-mechanical-eyes-seeing-machines/)”, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, _Kunstlicht: On Mechanical Eyes, Seeing Machines_, 2019. “Who is ‘we’? And what is ‘why’? A conversation between Sonia de Jager and Gerard de Zeeuw, (on what falls through the cracks)”, _AI & Society_ Springer Journal, 2019. [Glass Bead](http://www.glass-bead.org/event/site-1-launch-event/?lang=enview), image design for “Site 1: Logic Gate, _the Politics of the Artifactual Mind”, ZKM, Center for Art and Media, 9 Nov 2017. [[🄜 🄐 🄢 🄚 🄔 🄝, 🄛]], mask sculptures, produced at [Polly’s Playground](https://malenki.net/product/pollys-playground-pollys-picture-show/), collaboration with _Polly’s Picture Show_, Hotel Maria Kapel, ISBN 978­90­79479­07­8. 2017. [[Not Yet Fording, Not Yet Complete]], HTML. Experimental philosophy composed only of _cut&paste_. Designed together with Marine Delgado, published by [Glass Bead](https://a-ttribute.neocities.org/glass-bead.org), Paris, 2016. [[𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕕𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕠 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕄𝕒𝕟]], sampling project, music: S. de Jager, images: [Lotte Reimann](www.lottereimann.de), label and distro: [Samling Recordings](https://samlingrecordings.com/), co-released with [Studio 47](http://studio-47.org/press). ISBN 978-90-822850-1-7, 2014. [[The Author Has Collected The Remarks Of Various People With Differing Opinions, But Has {Not} Ommitted Citing His Authorities And Has {N̷o̷t̷} Attributed Each Remark To The One Who Said It.]], chronologically linear citational reflections through _The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism_ (2001), second edition (2010), W. W. Norton and Company, New York. This following text was produced in the academic context of a critical theory classroom at the _University of Leiden_ in 2014. Housed by Studio 47 Press, designed by Carla Peer, presented at UNSEEN (Amsterdam, 2015). Made possible with the kind support of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. ISBN: 978-90-822850-0-0, part of the Literary Criticism canon at the _Dutch National Library_ collection, 2012-2014. [[❝𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄❞]] PDF, 2015. An experimental thesis on cultural technologies. Printed, edited by hand, scanned, printed and scanned again. Published by Studio 47 and [Post-Digital Culture](http://post-digital-culture.org/de_jager/). Presented at Oregon University "What is Media?" conference (2016), at Studio 47's Season Finale (2016), at Poortgebouw, Rotterdam (2015), and at the [Jan van Eyck Alumni Association](http://www.jvea.org), Berlin. Audiovisual version w/ music composed by Keimpe Koldijk & Wouter Venema. Made possible with the kind support of the Van Beek-Donner Stichting, Rotterdam. Reviewed by Lotte van Geijn for Metropolis M. _[[I am Pierre Menard]]_, inconclusive _bildungsroman_ inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, self-published as graduation project, GRA BFA, 2011. [[𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽]], GRA, 2011. [[A Theory of Parody]], zine referencing Linda Hutcheon's _A Theory of Parody_ (University of Illinois Press, 2000) and conversing with Frank Zappa's "The Adventures of Greggery Peccary" (_Studio Tan_, 1978). Scanned details, dimensions: 20x25cm. Drawn during fall of 2008. _Ephemeral musical entertainments through the years_: DJ [Musique Croquette](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTJl10yj9UU), DJ [Der Neinsager / Der Jasager](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fMzW9Sfaa0), DJduo: [Derretida](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YNxQ3UjZxY) (w/ le Sami), [Derretida reprise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-2czJkKiUM), DJ Silent Retrete, DJ Dukrabit, DJ Whoso, DJ [Calavera no chilla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMVqlL7HE38), DJ enough, Ei, Academic dishonesty, DJ Manicomio, [Zorro Fork](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8AwfOdn6Zw), DJ bankruptcy, [[(Re)sentimiento Hardware]], DJ Trauerspiel, DJ olor a culo, DJ alles draait (om cijfers en om macht), DJ Lange Kabouter van de Nacht, (M)anomie, Dice (after Stéphane Mallarmé and Dice lounge in Charlois, Rotterdam), DJ Typeproto, DJ Rotonde ### 🆂🅻🅴🅴🅿🅸🅽🅶 🅿🆁🅾🅹🅴🅲🆃🆂 **[[N0.]]**, a **remake** of Deleuze and Parnet’s _abécédaire_, but with numbers instead of letters. And with several people, not just _the one_. Together with [Sami Hammana](https://www.schizoaesthetic.org/), 2021-?. Partly made possible by Boris Debackere, v2_. **[[Crotoplacistas]]**, short-term **performance** and script series, 2007 - present. **[[Regenerative Feedback]]**, music and philosophy **conference**, first iteration: Issue Project Room, NYC, 2018, second iteration: WORM, Rotterdam, 2019. **[[Critical Mass Commitment]]**, 2009 - present, **reading group**. **[[000 About R. Mano]]**, **nefastas artes** _plásticas_, 1990 - present. **[[Left Hand Path]]** (part of sleeping [[000 About R. Mano]]). ### 🅲🅾🅽🆃🅰🅲🆃 soniadejager at protonmail dot com ![[path dir.png]]